Thursday, April 22, 2010

Maternity Clothes are Overrated...

...I want my sweats or yoga pants! I remember slipping on a pair of maternity pants for the first time towards the end of my first trimester. Ahh, they felt so good, I swore I would wear them beyond pregnancy. Why not? Who doesn't want to wear a cute pair of jean with no snaps or buttons?! Well, I've come to the decision that when this pregnancy is over, I will retire the maternity pants for the time being (I may still hold on to the tops). The end of the first trimester, and throughout the second trimester, maternity pants are great. But now that I am nearly in the last two months of pregnancy, all I want to wear is a pair os sweat pants or my favorite yoga capris. I am done with the thick 3in. elastic band around my waste that after sitting for awhile simply feels like it is adding so much more pressure to my abdomen (I don't need any more pressure). Plus, the wonderful stretch elastic that covers your whole belly...their convenient for hiding any exposed butt crack, but between that and an tank top (to help cover the ladies a little more in the work place) I get so over heated I end up wearing the elestaic around my waist anyway. Hmmm, I wonder what my boss would say if I alternated two pants everyday, one day sweats, one day yoga capris. Ahh, that sounds so welcoming!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Child Birth Class...Check: Freaking My Husband Out...Double Check!

Today we finished our child birthing class. I will have to admit, a weekend full (two very full days) of child birth, labor, pain, breathing, etc. made for a long weekend, but I think it benefited us in the end. The debate about going to a class started several weeks ago. I debated about going wondering' will this be helpful or a waste of time? Ultimately I felt we needed to go, if anything to ease a little anxiety of mine and to help educated my non-baby book reading husband. He debated about going strictly because all his buddies told him it was a waste of time. But he is a wonderful and supportive husband that gave up his weekend to sit and watch lots and lots of videos!
So the big question; was taking the child birth class really that beneficial...?
I would say yes...if anything else, it was worth seeing my husband's face and hearing a few choice words come from his mouth as we watch a live birth :)
Honestly though, I think it was nice to be able to go. The class helped ease some of my anxieties (may have produced a few more in my husband) and answered some of my questions that I had brewing. Yes, the first day was a littel intense withteh veiwing of the live birth and the lengthly discussion of the PAIN of child birth. Yet at the same time, it was presented so well, and I think I am ready for this whole labor thing...well, ask me in a couple of months. The first day also ended with a good hour of relaxation and massage. I sure am glad we took the course in one weekend, I would have hated to go home at night after a long discussion of labor, with no massage. Today forcused a little on medications and a lot on once baby arrives and the importance of breast feeding. I liked this, the focus shouldn't be on medications (which I am so not apposed to using), and should be on the health of the baby and the attachment that occurs just as soon as the baby is born. I am big on attachment so this was so great to hear. I just hope others in the class really take into account the importance of attachment. I don't want to see any of their babies come through my office.
Most importantly, the class reminded more and more of how awesome our God is! He created us, and created us to function perfectly, down to every last reflex that we're born with. So amazing.
Now I feel even more ready to meet this little one!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Childcare Woes...

I have purposely been putting off seeking the right childcare center. Actually, I haven't totally been putting it off, I have looked up locations, and a few weeks ago had actually called one place. It is on my list of things to do and I know I'd much rather do this while I have the energy, but it is also something I am dreading a slight bit. So today I called a few places to get some more info. Then I figured on my lunch break I'd go check the first place out, I was impressed a few weeks agon over the phone. They may be a little pricey, but the price you pay for child care ultimately shouldn't matter (at least that's what I think). I met with a few people, got more information, a registartion packet, a quick tour around the infant room, and even met three of the infant care takers. Everything was a positive experience. I was impressed by the cleanliness, the staff, and their philosophies behind child care (most particularly, infant care), but as I was nearing the door to leave I suddenly felt a wave of emotion come over me. My eyes started watering before I even got to my car! Never did the tears come, but the emotions were all there. Wow, and I haven't even had this baby yet! I can only imagine what that first day will be like when I drop them off...

I cannot complain though, this is not something I am forced in to. I have a very supportive husband who pretty much says it is up to me (about working versus not working), plus I have a job who is willing to be more than flexible (who else can work mostly from home with the exception of 2 days in the office?). But am I ready? What is the best choice? For baby? For me? For my husband (I have to think of him here too, because I will care emotions home which ever way I choose).

What it really comes down to...I'm scared. I'm scared of staying home 24/7 with a child. Those 2 days in the office could be my saving grace. But perhaps they might also be miserable. I am blessed to have options, other people don't always get to choose. I suppose either choice will be a good choice, as long as I continue to give it up to the Lord. will...hate it / love it!