Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am a MOM...

When I first found out I was pregnant was when I first began thinking (or so I thought) like a mom, but it wasn't until my little one was born that I really became a mom. I attended a Mom's Group in town yesterday and as we were doing introductions it occurred to me that my "title" has changed. I might still be a daughter, sister, wife, friend, co-worker, etc. but I am a mom first and foremost. Although this concept excites's is a little scary as well. My identity has changed, people don't care "what I do" or "where I've been" or "what I've accomplished" anymore, they all want to meet me as mom and meet my son and know about him and how mommy-hood is treating me. It has only been 7 weeks of mommy-hood, although it already feels as though this little guy has been mine forever. The past 7 weeks have been exhausting and rewarding all at the same time, and there are many things that I am discovering about what it means to be a MOM:
* when a baby is born, so too are a mom's multi-senses (extra eyes and super sensitive ears)
* tiring and sometimes exhausting
* emotional (never cried so much so frequent)
* rewarding
* baby smiles can make the entire day perfect
* breastfeeding is isolating
* you never thought you could love someone so much
* you're no longer independant because you are sustaing life for someone else
* breastfeeding is miraculous
* whatever dad puts him in to wear to bed...that's okay
* I have never stared at someone or something for so long
* baby's nap time equals one of 3 things for mom - 1. nap, 2. eat, 3. shower
* it's okay not to shower every day
* showers really can take only 5 minutes
* baby smells are wonderful
* baby milk breath...sour
* my child is perfect
* I am not the perfect mom
* sometimes I wish I didn't know ALL the child development stuff I know
* silly songs come out of no where
* going to the grocery store and vacuuming the house don't feel like "chores" but feel like accomplishments
* sleep is hard to come by
* daddy sleeping while holding sleeping baby is precious
* baby crying hurts sometimes
* sometimes baby won't let me put him down
* sometimes I just want to hold and cuddle my little one all day
* never thought the hum of a vacuum or the sound of a humidifier would calm a baby
* never under estimate the effects of swaddling
* sleep...what's that
* my four-legged dog really did get pushed to the back burner
* eskimo kisses
* baby poop is a wonder
* don't forget to cover a little boy when changing a're bound to get sprayed
* recovery from birth takes how long...?
* it's a miracle that this little one is 50%, 50% my husband, and 100% himself
* baby smiles are the best!