Saturday, March 27, 2010


I have come to realize one of the best feelings in the work is feeling your baby move inside your tummy. It's been a couple months now since I felt the first movements. I try to be aware of each and every new feeling my body experiences so I was lucky to be able to identify movements early on. Certainly in the beginning it was sort of a guessing game; is that...I think that's...Then one day it was so clear, I was excited and quickly got on the phone with my husband, mother and sister to report the new of the official "for certain" movement. Work during the day turned in to my consentrating less on the task at hand but became moments of silence with my hands on my belly feeling continuous fluttering. From the fluttering came the kicking, and boy does this baby like to kick. It took some time before my husband was able to feel anything from the outside. He may have felt them earlier but the patience of keeping his hand on my belly in an awkward position took some coaxing. He's gotten the idea and now our routine of going to bed and laying hand on belly is becoming ritual, because that is when the most movement seems to occur.
The other day I swear this little one was doing summersaults in there or running a marathon, I couldn't fully distinguish between the two. It was an amazing feeling and made me laugh out loud at the commotion inside my belly. As I enter my third trimester I know the movements will only become more distinct and this little one conitnues to grow and the room inside starts to shrink up. As we prepare ourselves, our puppy and our home for this little one to come join us, I often wonder what it will be like without all this movement this something I will miss becasue it has been such a joy?...or will it just become another memory in this journey of parenthood?

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